Travel with the Barker family on a decade long journey. . . destination: SOUTH OF SANITY.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Two of the STUPIDEST things!

Two of the stupidest things that Patty has ever said have been ringing in my head for weeks. The only way to get them out of my head is to write them down. So here goes:

Stupid thing #1:
"Steven has a hard time wiping himself because his 'arms are too short'."

Stupid thing #2:
"Steven is obese because his body stores everything because he does not sleep well at night." (Gee, I think I have the same problem!)

'Nuff said!


Anonymous said...

I think this is a great idea!!! I have been so curious about the next to come happenings and pray for Little Steven in hopes that his life will get better. I will keep following you blog all the way.

C.B. said...

Thanks Betty--I'm hoping the blog will be informative and entertaining without being too caustic. As long as you keep reading I'll keep writing!


Anonymous said...

Absolutely!!! I check everyday to see if you posted anything new.