Travel with the Barker family on a decade long journey. . . destination: SOUTH OF SANITY.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


After dealing with Patty for the last eleven years, one of the things that weighs on me the most is the fact that she still works with infants and children. She's a registered nurse, and sometimes nurses also have the same propensity with their patients as Munchausen mother's have with their children. Patty works in her local health department in Webster County. I find it hard to believe that others working with her haven't already noticed that she's "not quite right". Since she no longer has physical access to Steven, I worry that she may find new victims in order to feed her need for attention and adulation. I have tried to figure out the best way to handle this. My wise Aunt Shirley said that this is one battle I can not fight; my closeness to the situation compromises my objectivity. Rather, I should leave it to the doctors and professionals involved to expose her for the "crazy" she is. I need your help readers. Any words of advice? I know you're smart--you already ready my blog :0)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I feel there is no way to fully expose her. The only way I can think of her being "found out" is by having to sacrifice someone. Not literally, but meaning that she will never be found out by you telling everyone. She has to fall to her lowest and exceed her own stupidity to be able to be discovered for what she truly is. Unfortunately that may be at the expense of the patient themself. It is the same function we use for alcoholics. True love does have it's sacrifices, even if they are strangers at some point. God has a better plan if they can help with her being discovered. It may not be considered a loss but a blessing. Hard to swallow but I have found it to be true.