Travel with the Barker family on a decade long journey. . . destination: SOUTH OF SANITY.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

False Alarm

Well, this girl just keeps us guessing. Once again Patty is playing mind games with the entire Barker family. She kept dropping hints to everyone that something big was going to happen. She told Steven that he was going to be "so happy". She had requested that she get one weekend in February with Steven. So the Barker family was gearing up for a surprise visit . . . and it never happened. She just loves to push our buttons. I can't tell you how unnerving it is. While we're relieved that she didn't come, she still had the ability to set us all on edge. I'm sure that was her intention all along. It will never end. I guarantee she'll show up when we least expect it. She's nuts!

1 comment:

dotmother said...

Sad to say, this is one way that she can still have her finger in the pie, so to speak. You guys are doing great - it's wonderful to hear how well your grandson is doing. You guys are awesome!