Travel with the Barker family on a decade long journey. . . destination: SOUTH OF SANITY.

Monday, May 25, 2009

In-consequential poll!

I thought we'd all like a little light-hearted break from the "heavy" subject matter of "crazies, socios, sicko's" and legal gobble-d-gook! So here's a poll for you! It's a poll regarding your shopping likes and dis-likes. I for one, stand four-square against these "self-checkout" lanes at the stores. I must not be the only one as most of those lanes are EMPTY while I stand in line behind a mother with seven screaming kids and a grocery cart that would feed the Green Bay Packers! Rather than fumble with my items, punch a picture/button system only understandable to a two-year-old, and a "money" system with a dozen slots, dispensers, swipes, and confusing directions, I'll wait my turn for a real cashier. SHE knows what she's doing.

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