Travel with the Barker family on a decade long journey. . . destination: SOUTH OF SANITY.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

We're Back!

Well, the Old Duffer and I had a wonderful trip to beautiful Montana. We thoroughly enjoyed the drive, the CLEAN hotel, and the shopping (yep--I spent way too much). But mostly I enjoyed meeting some fantastic people and discussing the book with them. It was fun to meet people who had read the book, but did not personally know the family. I felt a bit "scrutinized". When reading a book everyone has their own personal mental image of the characters. I have no doubt I was not what others imagined me to be. Just a plain old grandma who loves her kids and grandkids. But the conversation was lively, the company extremely pleasant, and the food at these book clubs was fantastic! Thank you so much ladies, for making my visit such a rewarding one. I hope you learned a lot, as I did--and that you'll keep reading and learning about Munchausen by Proxy! I want to extend a special great big THANK YOU to Ruth, Anthony, Eliza, Craig, and Emma for their support, hospitality, kindness, and terrific "hugs" (miss you already Eliza). Life certainly is full of adventure and we feel we just had a wonderful one! Thanks Again!

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