Travel with the Barker family on a decade long journey. . . destination: SOUTH OF SANITY.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Back to the Drawing Board!

I guess we're all going to have to change our vote! As I said in the book, "You just can't predict crazy!" You can plan, think, and speculate, but Patty will always surprise you! Guess who returned her son to his dad without police, doctors, or drama? That's right, Miss Patty! She must have been having an off week! The damage to Steven was very much in evidence, however. In one week she managed to "undo" all of Keith and Beth's hard work. He left Utah grinning and claiming he was a "young man--not a baby". But upon his return he was once again the "boobing, whiny" child his mommy wants him to be. I think we were all a bit disappointed that she didn't take off with Steven--that would have sealed her fate as a parent. But don't think for one minute that Patty has had a "change of heart"--she's just biding her time for the most opportune moment and we'll be off chasing her again! As soon as I'm able I'll be adding another chapter to the website and tell you all the details of Steven's departure--it was NOT without drama. What an adventure!

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